Susan Katus won 19 March Winds blocks at the March meeting. The odds were stacked in her favor: she made 6 blocks for the drawing, giving her 6 chances to win. You can do the same.
Plant your garden with April Flowers now for the April 3 meeting. Pattern in last month’s Quiltline. Check out the Merry May block in this issue, and at the April meeting, see what you can do if you win.
Susan Katus and Jo Ann Aulick
of the Month: Merry May
Block is 10" finished
It's Spring, an we are ready to pull all of our favorite pastels out of the closet!
Choose 2 of your favorite PASTELS that are:
of similar or related colors
close, but not the same, in value
of different scale.
All three of these design elements are important to make these blocks work together.
Floral patterns will be great but you can pair a small-scale print with a larger-scale floral. The finished block should have a monochromatic, low-contrast look. Check out our inspiration, a design by Gretchen Engle, Sharon Yenter and Virginia Lauth, which will be on display April 3.
Using Thangles or your preferred method, make 16 triangle pairs from your two fabrics. (If you don't know an easy way to make these pairs, call one of us! But a template is provided if you really need one.) The pair-squares should measure 2.5" finished, 3" including seam allowances. Assemble the pair-squares according to the diagram, producing a block 10" finished, 10.5" including seam allowances.