Darlene Summers took home a dozen Millennium Stars in January, leaving several envious contestants in her wake. They were beautiful blocks.
Not Broken Hearted, the pattern for February 7, is breaking Jo Ann's heart, or at least will if you try it. She drew it from memory instead of consulting the source and she drew it wrong. As drawn it can only be split vertically. She apologizes profusely.
March Winds is the block for March 6.
Choose country plaids on a cream or tan background and let 'em blow. Pattern in this issue.
of the Month: March Winds
Get out your collection of plaids and think county colors! If you win these blocks March 6, yon can turn them different directions and really feel a breeze blowing over the fields!.
You will need a total of 3 fabrics:
Templates are provided (small half-squares, medium-size half square and square), for the smaller pieces, but of course it will be easy to rotary cut.
If you don't know an easy way to make triangles, give one of us a call.
PS: Susan tested this one!Susan Katus and Jo Ann Aulick