President’s Message
Anne Flaggs
Hello Quilters,
I hope you are enjoying the winter weather and some warmer days now that the cold snap is giving
us a break. I’ve been in Florida most of January so missed most of the fun, snow and cold but the
weather here hasn’t been that wonderful until this week. Anyway, it will be nice to see you on Zoom
for our meeting on Monday.
February is a great chance to do some quilting. We have the retreat coming up soon where I will
have 4 days to just sew and hopefully get caught up and almost finished with the quilts I want to put
into the show in April. One needs binding, one needs a bit more and one is almost ready to send off
the Long Armer. And of course, I’m going to start working on my challenge quilt for the FSQ challenge
“Life’s a Beach”. I hope you find time to quilt this month and I encourage you to submit at least one
quilt into the show. There is still time to get stuff done, Quilt registration ends in mid-March but you
have until Quilt Turn in to get them fully finished.
Have you been thinking about volunteering to work on the program committee? We are still looking
for some folks to help with this important job for the Guild. Judy Walsh and Stacy Ross would like to
have someone shadow them for the rest of this year and help choose the speakers for next
year. Please consider stepping up to help out.
We will be having an executive board meeting on Monday, February 10th at 7pm. If you are
interested in attending, please let me or another officer know and we will send you the Zoom
link. We always appreciate your ideas and suggestions to improve the guild.
Thanks, and see you on Zoom.