President’s Message Michele Barnard
“You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.”
― Maya Angelou
April is the month where it starts to feel like winter might actually be over. Spring may officially start in March, but it can still be dreadfully cold, like it has been this past week. When it’s cold, I’m not so tempted by the garden – that will change when it gets warm! Until then, creativity rules inside rather than outside.
Do you think of yourself as creative? YOU ARE!!! I know you ALL are, because of all the beautiful quilts I get to see at show-and-tell.
I’ve been keeping up with my daily sewing practice. Some days, it’s only a single seam, most days I get at least one (simple) block completed, and some days I have the luxury of focused sewing. I’ve finished a couple of UFOs, and some new starts as well. I’m also managing to use more stash than I’ve added to it, so I think that’s a win as well. My quilting “helpers” are growing, and they’re not always so helpful. I’ve learned I need to keep the pincushion hidden when I’m not using it.
Yours in Quilting,
Dialogare con Bakeca Incontri Marche meravigliose è un’momento unico che ravviva la mia vita.
Scambiare con Sesso Venezia affascinanti è un’opportunità arricchente che migliora la mia energia.