President’s Message
Anne Flaggs
Hello Quilters,
I hope you are all doing well and enjoying the cool crisp Fall days this week. I know
that I am, I was able to take a nice hike Saturday and enjoyed all the colors of fall.
Just a reminder, we are having our last meeting at the Gaithersburg Church of the Nazarene in
November. I know I will miss this meeting location as it’s easy for me to get to and was “on the way
home” from work for me when I first joined. Change can always be a little hard, but I know we will
love our new location at Asbury Methodist Village in Gaithersburg near the “old Lakeforest
Mall”. More details about the exact location on campus will be shared as we get closer to our first
meeting there in March 2025 after we do 3 months on Zoom.
A few items of note from me:
• At the November meeting we will vote on changing the membership fee for Asbury residents
from $35 to $20 and eliminating the $5 guest fee. This is being done to secure the monthly
room rental costs at ZERO.
• Our Membership table needs some help. Lynn will be rotating out of this position after this
meeting and Carrie would like someone to help her as there are many tasks to be done
behind the scenes.
• Our Program team is planning to rotate out in June and are looking for someone or a few
people interested in working programs for the guild who could start soon and work with them
in the Spring as they plan our programs for next year.
• The Quilt Show team still has a few open committee jobs organizing Demos and Vendors for
the show. Let Trish know if you are interested.
• Check out the lobby before the meeting and pickup raffle tickets for our current quilt or drop
off your stubs and money.
• Bethesda Quilters is planning to bring their raffle quilt and sell tickets. I saw their quilt at the
MoCo fair and it’s a beauty. Bring some money to buy some tickets from them.
That’s all from me, hope to see you at the meeting,