What is a Fabric Raffle?!
Fabric of the Month is a purely voluntary activity held at in-person guild meetings.
Liz will be at the back of the hall collecting fabric before the meeting starts from anyone who wants to participate. A slip with your name on it will be collected for each fat quarter you contribute. Names are pulled at the end of the meeting.
You may contribute as many fat quarters/blocks as you wish, but you can only win once per meeting. You must be present to win.
Please contact us if you have any questions. Liz Plantz (plantze@mail.nlm.nih.gov) and/or Harriet Sheinson (harriet_sew@msn.com)
Fat quarters of Batiks

Fat quarters of Fall colors/prints

Service Projects Special
12 1/2" Nine Patch Block (12 inch finished when sewn into a quilt)
Bright kid-friendly prints in the center and corners. Fabric reading white or off-white in the other patches.
Need a pattern? See http://www.quilterscache.com/N/NinePatchBlock.html

Fat quarters of Primary Crayon colors
Part I: yellow, red and blue

Fat quarters of Primary Crayon colors
Part II: orange, green and purple

Fat quarters of Red colors/prints

No raffle due to the Bring A Dish To Share meal