President’s Message
Anne Flaggs
I can’t believe it’s March already, February went by so fast. I’m also enjoying this warm spell we are
currently in, it’s a nice break from the constant cold.
I had a great time at the retreat and I’m looking forward to next year. I did get a lot of sewing done
but still have to work on all of my quilts for the show in April. I did finally register them so the
pressure is on to reach the finish line and I know I will make it.
I hope you are all getting ready for the Quilt Show coming up in late April at Asbury Methodist Village
in Gaithersburg. I encourage you to enter at least one quilt in the show. Remember, if there are no
quilts, then there is no show. And please sign up to volunteer. A show like this takes many, many
hours, and if everyone helps, it is easier for all of us. It is also a great way to get to know guild
members that you may have seen and greeted, but not really become friends with or worked beside.
Have you been thinking about volunteering to work on the program committee? We are still looking
for some folks to help with this important job for the Guild. Judy Walsh and Stacy Ross would like to
have someone shadow them for the rest of this year and help choose the speakers for next
year. Please consider stepping up to help out.
A member has gifted the guild a beautiful quilt for our 2026 raffle quilt. We are in need of someone
to organize the custom quilting, appraisal and binding. If you are interested in helping with this task
or are a longarm quilter willing to help with the custom quilting, please let me know. By the way, we
still are in need of ideas for our 2027 quilt which we would like to have the guild create. Ideas
The guild needs three volunteers for the nominating committee. This is a short-term commitment to
solicit nominees for the board of directors and nominees need to be in place by the start of our fiscal
year in June. We are in need of a Vice President and Secretary for the new fiscal year. If you are
interested in being on this committee or holding an office, please let me know.
Thanks and see you in person on March 3rd at our new location. Please try to come early to get thru
gate security, find a parking place and walk to the community room in the Rosborough Building.