President’s Message
Michele Barnard
―In many ways, September feels like the busiest time of the year: The kids go back to school,
work piles up after the summer’s dog days, and Thanksgiving is suddenly upon us.
— Brene Brown
Boy howdy. Halloween stuff is already stocked in the grocery stores! Summer never lasts long
enough for me, so fall is not my favorite season.
I had a wonderful day at the fair this year. I spent a lot of time in the Home Arts building, looking at
all of the wonderful quilts that were entered. I saw a number of familiar names.
As I told everybody it was likely that our quilt show would be pushed back- it has been. The Board
voted last month to cancel the 2022 show at the fairgrounds, for a number of reasons: COVID
resurgence, difficult recruiting vendors, lack of a quilt show chair, and declining participation. We
would still like to have a show in 2023, so we’d still like a volunteer for quilt show chair!
We have a number of volunteer opportunities in the guild. For new members, it’s a great way to get
to know people. For long-term members, it’s a way to make sure that our guild continues to thrive.
I’m working on combining a couple of outdated “procedures” documents that define each of these
roles, and members that have served in these roles will be invited to provide input.
- Quilt Show Chair
- Pins
- Programs Co-Chair – Cathy Miller has been doing an AWESOME job with Programs, and is
willing to continue- as long as she has some help. - Publicity – Lorie Coston would like to hand off this position
- Raffle Quilt Marketing
September also feels like a mini New Year, and all of my resolutions get rebooted this month. Have
you kept any of your resolutions, or do you not make any? Mine are…not going well, but new starts
are a blessing.
Yours in quilting,
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