President’s Message Anne Flaggs
Welcome to September, hard to believe that summer is almost over but we still have a few more
weeks of hot weather before Fall arrives. It’s going to be an exciting year with lots of great
programs and an AQS challenge to keep us busy for a while.
Thanks Linda August, Judy Chandler and Trish McTighe for ensuring that our yearly audit has been
I’m sorry I had to cancel the August Quilto meeting, the weather was really strange that day and I
was getting alerts on my phone that worried me. We do follow the Montgomery County school
closing but since they weren’t in session, nothing was issued. I used my judgment and discussed
the decision with several other board members before making the call to not have a meeting out of
safety concerns for everyone. Thanks so Suma for posting a notice on the church door for anyone
that may have missed our communications and ventured out. One additional note about the school
closings, if our meeting is scheduled to be on Zoom, we will still meet even if schools are closed.
Each year FSQ presents an award for the Best Beginner’s Quilt at the Montgomery County
Agricultural Fair. The judging is done by the Fair’s judges, not by FSQ. The winner receives a check
for $25.00, a free one-year membership in our guild and an invitation to bring their quilt to our next
in-person meeting. This year’s winner was Teresa Grate. We’re hoping she will join us at our
September meeting!
I put out a sign-up genius to vote on our charity for this year’s raffle quilt. The choices were
KindWorks (4 votes), Sleep in Heavenly Peace (9 votes) and A Wider Circle (40 votes). With about
50% of our members voting, the overwhelming choice was A Wider Circle. All three charities are
very deserving and thanks to everyone who recommended the charities and who voted.
I’m looking for some folks to help work on some ad-hoc committees. If you would like to help with
either or both of these endeavors, please let me know.
First we need a group to research potential 2025 Quilt Show locations. Asbury was a
wonderful place but a bit small for us to hold the kind of Quilt Show FSQ usually hosts. Think
about community centers, fire halls, schools (around a holiday), empty warehouse, wherever
we can rent for Thursday to Sunday and not be overly expensive.
I’m looking for someone to help host Hybrid meetings for FSQ so that our members who are
unable to attend the in-person meetings can still participate and hear the wonderful
programs. Other guilds have been able to make this work and I’m sure we can also if we
try. I know we can’t use the church equipment but we can do this with a laptop and phone on
a tripod both of which would be in a Zoom meeting.